Tuesday 23 April 2019

5 Types of Job Interviews l Wisdomjobs.com

As such there are n number of types and interviews but we made it easy for you by filtering the most important and frequently conducted types of interview.

This video discussing about different types of interviews and how to deal with them.

1.To start with let's have the first one is phone Interview and you have only 10-15 minutes time to make an impression over the Phone call to make sure that you are considered for face to face interview or not.

2.The second type of interview is one-on-one interviews which are also known as face–to-face interviews conducted after a phone interview.

3.The third type of interview is stress interview to know how you are going to find out how the candidate behaves in a stressful situation.

4.Moving on for the fourth type of interview is panel interview may include three or five members ask questions on different aspects.

5.The fifth one is Behavioral interviews to know how well you handle the stressful situations in the future based on your past performance.

Watch how you could ace different types of interviews on this episode of interview tips below. Remember to tune in for our next episode for more tips and advice.

Sunday 21 April 2019

6 Ways To Instantly Improve Your Job Search

Have an expertise CV
Wisdomjobs career edge experts say that If you are sending your CV then make sure that you have done proper grammar check, formatting for the fact that your CV should not be rejected. Wisdomjobs.com has resume services wing expertise in writing tailor-made resumes and premium services to increase visibility to your profile

Craft your cover letter
Make sure that you have a well-crafted cover letter and it should be catchy, simple and create an impression that you are passionate for the job suggests wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts. Use your cover letter as an opportunity to showcase the company’s needs and are uniquely positioned to meet them through your skills, credentials and experience

Include your networking activities
Enhance your job search efforts with consistent and well framed networking opportunities. Join professional associations, alumni clubs, and community volunteering networks and other forums to meet professionals from your industry. Research the market and get the word out that you are in the market for a better opportunity finds wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts.

Post your CV Online
Post your CV online with a reputed online job portal like wisdomjobs.com. Make sure you chose a reputable job site like wisdom jobs that is specialized in the region you are targeting to ensure your CV is accessible to the majority of the blue-chip employers in that specific region.

Follow up on all contacts
Whatever your follow-up with your contacts make sure that your follow-up with a thank you note and email. Call the person to enquire about the position and keep updated about the courses you took, a promotion, an important assignment you completed, a professional association you joined, an offer you received from elsewhere etc.

Read about the interview skills
Prepare well for the most commonly asked interview questions in recent interviews Today’s employers expect a high level of preparedness to all the standard interview questions.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

5 ways to be authentic in an interview

Wisdom jobs gulf career edge experts believe that being authentic with your colleagues at the workplace is also equally important. This effort at authenticity should begin right at the time when you interview for a job. How can you best balance your impulse to share honestly and the strong desire misrepresent yourself to get a coveted job?

The following 5 tips will help you be more authentic in an interview:
Be specific: Instead of just saying that you are a good team player, showcase some accomplishments and relevant skills and characteristics with examples. It is always more impactful.

Prepare with relevant examples: It is easy to get confused during an interview. So get ready with sound examples that get the message across precisely. Examples: I helped increase sales 10% in the last six months or I worked on 2 international projects during my tenure.

Body language: Make sure that you have an authentic body language. To appear authentic, it's essential to pay attention to non-verbal cues such as posture, facial expressions, eye contact and handshakes says wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts.

Practice with QA's: Hiring managers usually ask questions such as tell me about yourself or where do you see yourself in 5 years? Answer these questions with sincerity rather than using some boilerplate answer. It is also important to know when to stop. You shouldn't look over-prepared and rehearsed in the interview.

Search for info: Having some background information about the company makes you appear more authentic while answering in interviews. The ability to showcase the best version of yourself the one relevant to the workplace is what will help you land your dream job finds wisdom jobs gulf complaints career edge experts.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

How to ensure most effective talent screening

Wisdom jobs career edge experts believe that it was told that to increase your chances of hiring the right candidate you need to have a larger pool of database to find the suitable resumes. The reason behind this is that more potential candidate you have, more likely you will find ideal and qualified candidates but after gaining access to these candidates the next task is to perform the perfect screening says wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts.

Make sure what you’re looking for
Before you looking for the CV’s in your resume database you need to have a clear idea what you’re looking for in your net hire. If you have no idea on what you’re looking for then a CV that looks relevant may ends up wasting precious time

Professional work experience
You must know the type of experience your vacancy requires to start the screening process. If you are looking for a candidate in mid career and you are looking for a junior and managerial level won’t help finds wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts. Managerial level candidates might be over qualified and salary expectations would be higher than you set for your vacancy and junior level candidates will lack experience

Technical & soft skills
Having known about your skills will help you filtering out the candidates that don’t qualify. A sales position requires communication skills which may come under soft skills and it might help if you have data reporting as a technical skill. Other positions such as social media managers require technical and soft kills such as creativity and knowledge of Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop as a technical skill.

Personality and cultural fit
It is difficult to assess a candidate’s cultural fit through your CV but still you can find more details that will help you assess the candidate’s personality is like, and how much of a culture fit they are.

Create a screening chart
Once you are sure about the requirements you need to create checklist to help you assess and rank your potential candidates. A check list may helpful to screen CVs. Apply Pragnya meter skill assessment tool to evaluate the candidate’s skills. Here are a few things you might want to add to your checklist:
● Residence location
● Nationality
● Expected salary

Phone Screening
Telephone interview are essential to the screening process. You need to clarify the things which have been mentioned in the resume during the phone interview. Know more about their academic skills, their working experience and make sure they speak in English throughout the conversation.